
Looking to chat with the person of your dreams, or even nightmares? EveryBuddy allows you to converse with almost anyone you can think of in history, past or present, dead or alive – So long as they are well documented, we can build a virtual avatar, for you to chat to, allowing you to ask questions, challenge, compliment, or even insult the person of your choice.

Ask Einstein to simplify a complex theory, try to seduce Marilyn Monroe, or maybe tell a despised politician exactly what you think of them …the possibilities are endless!

Chats remain completely confidential, and the knowledge of the avatar is limited only by what is known publicly about them. The better they’re documented, them more intimate their self-knowledge will present.

EveryBuddy is a genius

…but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
a quote (almost) by Albert Einstein